Method Statement
CDM (Jersey) Knowledge Base
CDM (Jersey) 2016 Regulations
Please note this topic relates to the CDM (Jersey) 2016 Regulations. If you are looking for the CDM 2015 (Great Britain) Regulations, please see the CDM (GB) Knowledge Base
Please note this topic relates to the CDM (Jersey) 2016 Regulations. If you are looking for the CDM 2015 (Great Britain) Regulations, please see the CDM (GB) Knowledge Base
Employers are required, as far as is reasonably practicable, to provide a safe system of work for employees. For any piece of work or operation a Contractor should produce a Method Statement setting out the sequence, method, management and contingency of arrangements for carrying out a piece of work or operation. The extent of detail in a statement will depend on the size and complexity of the piece of work or operation. See also Safe Systems of Work.